What can Career Jumpstart offer you?

You want to take steps in your search for the perfect job.

We're here to help you along the way. We have a qualified team whose toolkit offers you everything you need to bridge the gap between graduating and finding a job. We offer:

  • Support by helping you put together your resume (CV)
  • Support by helping you write your motivation letter
  • Help with the preparations for your job interview
  • Help with putting together your list of needs to find a fun and fitting job
  • Support from external professionals
  • And much more!

Are you thinking: 'hey, these are exactly the things I need help with!' don't hesitate to contact us! We'll start with an interview to get to know you, and from there on, we'll figure out your needs and which steps to take. Still unsure? Don't hesitate to email us with your questions.

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