Job interview training


Are you about to graduate or have you just finished? If so, you are also facing the transition from study to work.

Are you struggling to find a job and/or not sure how to go about it. Then the job application training might be for you.

The training can help you avoid unpleasant experiences. And can give you the confidence that you know you have done well.

If there are enough applications, a training course will be started

If there are applications where it is preferred that the training is given in English, we will start offering this.

Practical information

Trainingsdays Topics
Dag 1 Tuesday 25 February
R10 room 0.46
Profile - Who are you, what can you do?
Day 2 Tuesday 11 March,
R10 room 0.46
CV, vacancy analysis and LinkedIn​
Day 3 Tuesday 18 March,
R10 rooms 0.46
Where and how – cover letter and what do I say? 
Day 4 Tuesday 25 March,
R10 room 0.46
Practising job interview

Trainers: Luca Smeets and Nicole Ficheroux
Location: Eindhoven
Time: from 13.30-16.30 hours
Group size: a training group consists of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 candidates
Cost: the training is free of charge.


You can apply via your coach from Career Jumpstart or via the application form o.v.v. ‘Job interview training’.